Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Notes from I Samuel pt 3

3. 1 Sam 1:5-7 Notes

Y'all, I have seen a trend in the scriptures. Barren seasons
(times of lack, and not being able get things to grow) are not always what they appear to be. Often times they are the breeding ground FOR and precursor TO something REALLY GREAT! (ask Sarah, Rebekah, Manoah, Elizabeth)...the 

NIGHT always comes before the DAY...Darkness before the LIGHT Gen1. Remember that! Ok, I'...m getting excited! Let me not get ahead of myself :-)

In vs. 5 We see that in Hannah's barren season Elkanah LOVED her, preferred her and extended grace. (I like him; he's not so bad after all.:-) lol
On the other hand the scripture says vs6 "And because the Lord had closed her womb, her rival (Peninnah) kept provoking her in order to irritate her. (Can I just say that ' I really DON'T like Peninnah!?.. Just sayin' I mean if you are going to get your name put in the Bible, this is NOT what you want to be remembered for? :-) lol!
This went on year after year.  Whenever Hannah went up to the house of the Lord, her rival provoked her till she WEPT and would not eat."

Y'all sorrow and barreness of any kind, can affect our appetite. Sometimes it can dull it, or even create a craving for the wrong things and the wrong amounts of them.

We must all ask ourselves, How do we respond to barren seasons? We will ALL have them.
Will YOU LOVE, MOCK, or be Broken? (y'all 2 out of 3 aren't bad)

Stay tuned!
Grace and peace

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