Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Fear (reverential awe, to be afraid) of the LORD is the beginning ( step one) of wisdom; ( Prov. 111:10)... And ..." wisdom is proved RIGHT by her actions ( what it does ;-) Matthew 11:19b ( words of Jesus)

How do you feel in the presence of someone that you think is really great or talented? Nervous? Afraid? How about someone super famous or a person of Royalty fully decked out? Doesn't these kinds of encounters cause our knees to shake a bit, give honor where honor is due, make us stand a little straighter, choose our words a little more carefully? Why? Because we have a healthy fear of them, one that entails honor and respect; and while we are in their presence we adjust ourselves to their protocol.
So ya'll, how much more should we fear the God of the universe? He speaks and things become. He hurls lighting bolts, they report back to Him, He takes dirt and creates man, He blows His breath into Him and he comes to life, He established the laws of nature, the boundaries of the seas, and keeps the earth, the sun, stars and other planets at their proper distance. As God, He cannot be seen with the human eye, because He dwells in unapproachable light
Still He humbled himself, came to earth, took on the form of man, conquered the darkness, in order to become the light in every man who receives Him. He is timeless, always was, always will be. He is the creator of Heaven and Hell. He is both Lamb and Lion. He is meek and fierce...He is not made in my image, but I/we are made in His... He is not a God to be taken lightly or disregarded. He is always on the side of the broken, the humble and is ever against the arrogant and proud. He defines LOVE

These are a few things I know about Him. LOL :-) Because I am always in HIS presence, I bow my life to Him. I want to live and walk in a way that pleases Him. When I mess up, I confess it, turn my back on it and come to Him to clean me up. He is my Dad and He is the King. Before I run to my Father in HIS throne room, where I find mercy and grace, I stop and bow first, acknowledging that He is still the King...He is Captivating and I am filled with awe and wonder
grace and peace y'all