Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Samuel pt 10

1 Sam. 1:
After you have given your burdens to the Lord, do you feel lighter or is the heaviness still there?
At this point in the story, Hannah has gotten as close to God as could. She went to stand at the doorpost of the Lord's Temple. Eli was sitting on a chair. There Hannah poured out her heart to God, mixed in with a river of tears. According to what she knew God could do, she pleads with Him to remember her. Then she informs Eli (the priest) of her grief and her prayer to God. When understanding comes, he blesses her with a word of PEACE. She takes it to heart. Her response is "May your servant ( Hannah) find favor in your eyes".
Then the next sentence gives us the proof that she has left her burdens and grief with God. It says in vs.18b 'Then she went her way and ATE something and her FACE was no longer downcast.' Hannah was determined not to take back what she had given to God. The proof of her lighter load and faith that 'God would handle it' was that her appetite returned and her face was NO Longer DOWNCAST.
Her faith was expressed in real ways even though what she was praying for had NOT YET become tangible. It reminds me of the scripture that says " NOW FAITH is the substance of things HOPED for the EVIDENCE of things NOT seen". Heb. 11:1

'Cause sometimes BELIEVING is SEEING! ;-)

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